Crystal Healing
relief   balance   vitality   transformation   bliss

Rock n Heal  

We all need healing and deserve healing!

Healing is creating a positive change. Curing and healing are very different concepts. To cure is to erase symptoms. To heal is to assure a state of wholeness. A whole person is whole in spite of a missing leg, a flu bug, or a fatal disease. A healer is essentially someone who helps another person realize his or her inherent wholeness, regardless of appearances or the outcome of treatment. Healing is a holistic process that recognizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit in promoting overall well-being. Healing can occur on various levels, our physical bodies might unfortunately not always heal, recovery of a serious / fatal illness might no longer be possible, remember after all your physical being was not meant to be infinite, you are not here to sit in these clothes forever. Healing energy though can still provide emotional, mental and spiritual support.

Having patience is a direct statement of faith in the divine plan. It is the acceptance that everything is right for you as it is now, for you have created it this way. It means also that you can change what exists now through your own efforts of transformation. Impatience ultimately means that you not believe that you can create what you want. It means lack of faith in the self and the divine plan. It takes time to manifest what you wish on the physical plane!! (I am definitely having a word with myself right now)

Every physical body is a classroom, and every disease can be seen as a lesson. Not in a punitive way, for you have written your own text, you have chosen your own bodies that carry with them all of the weaknesses that, yes, may be said are genetic because your grandmother or grandfather had something. But remember you chose them as well. So you need to trust your body not only in illness, but especially in illness, for what is it saying to you? There are many ways in hearing this, certainly you are the one that is best able to understand it for it is within your language that your body has been formed, and it is to you, directly it is speaking.

My crystals and me are here to provide healing energy and a safe environment to help your body, mind and spirit to support it to self healing and help hear what your body is saying to you. Believe it or not but you are your greatest healer and me and my crystals are here to assist you in your journey should you wish to. The important thing is that if you feel the pull, pay attention to it. This work is not meant for the brain, this work is for the soul and it will sound and feel different. If you feel you are ready, go ahead and book a session to rock your life back into bliss. If you don’t, the thing that speaks to you is surely around the corner. Blessings to you in either case and there are many beautiful healers out there that might be able to help.

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Please Note

It's important to note that crystal energy healing is considered a complementary therapy and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health care. It is always advisable to consult a qualified healthcare practitioner for any specific health concerns. I am not a doctor and I make no guarantees or claims for the resolution of physical, mental, or emotional issues. Please consult your doctor for any treatment plans. My work is solely energetic in nature.
