Crystal Healing
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Hindu 7 chakra system


Chakras appear in hundreds of cultures across the globe like The Mayan, Cherokee, Tibetan, Incan, Egyptian and African. The Hindu 7 chakra system is a spiritual and energetic model that originated in ancient Indian traditions. It represents seven main energy centers, or chakras, located along the spine, each associated with specific qualities and functions. At each stage we gain more refined understanding of personal and spiritual power, since each chakra represents a spiritual life-lesson or challenge common to all human beings. As a person masters each chakra, he gains power and self-knowledge that become integrated into his spirit, advancing him along the path toward spiritual consciousness.

Muladhara (Root Chakra): 

Located at the base of the spine, it represents stability, grounding, and physical well-being.

lessons related to the material world.

Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra): 

Located in the lower abdomen, it is associated with creativity, emotions, and sexuality. 

lessons related to sexuality, work, and physical desire.
Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra): 

Located in the upper abdomen, it relates to personal power, self-confidence, and willpower. 

lessons related to the ego, personality, and self-esteem.
Anahata (Heart Chakra): 

Located in the center of the chest, it represents love, compassion, and emotional balance. 

lessons related to love, forgiveness, and compassion.
Vishuddha (Throat Chakra): 

Located in the throat, it is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity. 

lessons related to will and self-expression.
Ajna (Third Eye Chakra): 

Located in the middle of the forehead, it relates to intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness. 

lessons related to mind, intuition, insight, and wisdom.
Sahasrara (Crown Chakra): 

Located at the top of the head, it represents spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and enlightenment. 

lessons related to spirituality.

The Hindu 7 chakra system is believed to be interconnected, with each chakra influencing various aspects of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. Balancing and harmonizing the energy flow in and between the energy centers is often pursued through practices such as yoga, meditation, breathwork, and specific energetic techniques of which crystal healing chakra lay out is one of them.
There should be no denial of the lower chakras in favour of the upper chakras, but merely an enfoldment, where each higher level is a transcendence, which includes and is built on the level below it. In this way, the lower chakras provide a foundation for our spiritual growth, much as the roots of a tree, which push downward, allow the tree to grow taller. We do not help the tree grow taller by pulling up its roots. Like living plants, we only grow taller by sending roots deep into the soil. Our growth must move in both directions simultaneously: upward towards the complexity of the future, downward anchoring our roots in the simplicity of the past.

I have very concisely touched upon this subject; one could spend a lifetime studying the chakra systems! In case you would be interested to read more; One of the most appealing books I came across is “Wheels of Life, from Anodea Judith” obviously there are many more around but this one while reading it totally resonated with me, this of course might be different for you. I found her view on wholeness very inspiring....


Mind & Body, Individual & Collective, Freedom & Responsibility, Light & Shadow, Progress & Conservation, Work & Pleasure are all struggling for acknowledgement as equal qualities in a paradigm of wholeness. As long as we value one more than the other, we will be a culture out of balance.


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