Crystal Healing
relief   balance   vitality   transformation   bliss

Invitation into the light – Black Obsidian & Carnelian

This bracelet created from Black Obsidian & Carnelian combines the energies of protection, grounding, and truth-seeking from Black Obsidian with courage, passion, and inner power from Carnelian, creating a powerful talisman for stability and spirited vitality. It’s designed to shield against negativity, promote personal growth, and ignite one’s deepest passions.

Black Obsidian offers protection, grounding, and truth-seeking. It is born from the raw power of volcanos - ancient and wise; this stone is known for its stabilizing energy and for helping us see the light even when facing our shadow selves.

Beautiful Black Obsidian makes a statement every time. The meaning of Black Obsidian works wonders on the body, mind, and soul, restoring everything back to balance. Physically it can help keep your circulation flowing and can even lend a helping hand to restore deep tissue, keeping you feeling fast, young, and free.
It’s a wonder worker with the root chakra - ensuring that your roots run deep and bringing you an unshakable sense of security. This stone is all about covering you with an aura of protection - ensuring that negative vibes can’t break through.

With colours that capture the sunset, Carnelian is all about positive life choices washing away mental lethargy and inviting the Joie de Vivre back into your soul.
Carnelian is a stone that lends its light to healing. It’s a stone of leadership and courage and is attached to the sacral chakra. A guide to facing your fears and stepping out of your comfort zone while staying protected. Carnelian will arouse your sexual desires, stimulate your inner power, and keep you cool and collected even during the most challenging of time.
It’s an igniter of forgotten passion, a precious gem of potency, and a warm and vibrant stone that invites you to speak your truest form of expression. For those who are tired of standing in the shadows, Carnelian invites you into the light.

Black Obsidian: protection, grounding, truth seeker
Carnelian: inner power, courage, passion

Seeds from the Amazone: Jupati each with a unique design! The Indians discovered this bead could be transformed into a small work of art

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