Crystal Healing
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Rise up in Self-Control – Bloodstone, Onyx Bracelet

This bracelet encapsulates the powerful energies of Bloodstone and Onyx. Bloodstone boosts circulation, regenerates cells, and provides strength and courage to overcome emotional wounds. Onyx enhances self-mastery, focus, and perseverance, helping you maintain self-control and calm in challenging situations. Together, these stones promote vitality, emotional stability, and a strong sense of security.

Long has Bloodstone been permeated with legend. The rumours say that this healing crystal is soaked in power and love, as it was born from the belief that when Christ’s blood dripped onto the green earth during the Crucifix, it turned to stone. And thus, Bloodstone was born. This natural powerhouse is also called Heliotrope and has a reputation of life bringer.
The simmering colours of earthly green and dark red merge in Bloodstone Energy. This is a stone that burns bright with energy. When you are feeling a slump, Bloodstone gets your blood moving, encouraging healthy circulation and using its healing properties to regenerate cells and tissue so you can rise again.
This talisman of lasting health is also a calling card for prosperity and wealth but in an emotional way. A mood stabilizer, Bloodstone is well versed in healing emotional wounds and helping those who feel on their knees to stand strong and firm, even when weathering the most adverse conditions.

Onyx emanates the energy of self-mastery it can help to control, focus and direct the will, and this brings about a considerable increase in one’s personal power. For those who have an abundance of ideas, but lack the discipline to carry them out, Onyx brings you down to earth and keeps you to the task. The most important control is self-control; Onyx helps to re-align your attention to your own actions with unrelenting perseverance and high efficiency; this way you are set up for success!
Onyx cools and condenses excessive energies, it calms nervousness, quells anxiety, soothes hot temper and brings reason to passion. It works through the first, third and sixth chakra’s, the seats of physical vitality, will and mental activity. It’s a wonder worker with the root chakra - ensuring that your roots run deep and bringing you an unshakable sense of security and your best friend to carry in conflict situations, in which one must maintain a “cool head”.

Bloodstone: Strength, Courage, Purification
Onyx: self-mastery, focused attention, reason

Seeds from the Amazone: Palmerinha

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