Crystal Healing
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Sunny Days - Citrine, Carnelian & Pyrite Bracelets

Citrine, Carnelian, and Pyrite together create a vibrant and protective energy combination. Citrine brings abundance, willpower, and joy, awakening dormant dreams and promoting self-confidence. Carnelian ignites passion, courage, and positive life choices, while the grounding strength of Pyrite, known for boosting vitality, self-worth, and logical decision-making reignites your inner spark, protects you emotionally, and empowers you to take bold actions.


Citrine for the Sun - bright in abundance, energy rousing, and ready to brighten your willpower. Citrine brings a splash of sharpness to our soul, waking us from a winter slumber and warming our hearts so you can be wild and free. For those who crave a sense of adventure and creativity, the Citrine Energy Bracelet is Vitamin C.
Citrine radiates health, inner wealth, and awakening dormant dreams. It is also known as The Success Stone. This precious stone brings luck, but not through the mystical art of external forces. Instead, Citrine encourages you to tap into your best assets and to manifest your own magic in making those dreams and visions come true.

Citrine belongs to your solar plexus chakra, and for this, it is exceptionally gifted at nudging clear old blocks and letting the energy flow. It brings a glow of determination, self-confidence, and a golden rain that uplifts even the most tepid spirits. Citrine is unable to hold bad energy, and therefore it's one of the only stones on earth that doesn’t need to be cleansed. For those seeking a splash of sun and the rampant joy of even more juiciness in life – the Citrine Energy will fill you with light.

With colours that capture the sunset, Carnelian is all about positive life choices washing away mental lethargy and inviting the Joie de Vivre back into your soul.
Carnelian is a stone that lends its light to healing. It’s a stone of leadership and courage and is attached to the sacral chakra. A guide to facing your fears and stepping out of your comfort zone while staying protected. Carnelian will arouse your sexual desires, stimulate your inner power, and keep you cool and collected even during the most challenging of time.
It’s an igniter of forgotten passion, a precious gem of potency, and a warm and vibrant stone that invites you to speak your truest form of expression. For those who are tired of standing in the shadows, Carnelian invites you into the light.

Pyrite is pure gold for the body, mind and soul. It is rich in nourishing energies that can flow through the cells, bringing with it all the purifying powers of the universe. Pyrite is sun strength and flickering fire and with this comes the breath of bravery. For those who long to feel stronger inside out and to face the challenge of standing up and being counted, this mineral grants you that spirit of boldness.
Not only does this stone keep you emotionally shielded, but it ensures that decisions you make (especially in business) come from a place of logic. Pyrite is in fact, the perfect business aid as it also weaves perseverance and practicality into the mix. By boosting your willpower and motivation you are sure to finish tasks that have been hanging around for a while. This is a stone that will help you overcome feelings of inadequacy and live your life to its full potential. It will boost your self-worth and allow you to have the energy to take action, where needed.

Citrine: success, joy, manifestation
Carnelian: inner power, courage, passion

Pyrite: vitality, masculine energy, self-worth

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