Crystal Healing
relief   balance   vitality   transformation   bliss

Building Bridges - Kyanite Bracelet

This bracelet features Kyanite, a stone that deepens communication on all levels—physical, mental, and spiritual. It acts as a bridge, connecting your inner self to the outer world and enhancing intuitive guidance. When wearing this bracelet, you’ll feel clear-eyed, connected to all aspects of yourself, and perfectly aligned.

Especially helpful for the throat chakra, Kyanite deepens communication on all levels; physically, mentally and spiritually. One of the few stones that does not absorb negative energy, never needs cleansing. Aids in bringing a deep sense of peace and wellbeing.  Kyanite also works gently to align the chakras, bringing balance and reducing health issues.
Cool hues of blue that help you connect, the Kyanite Energy brings you back to your spiritual self, ensuring a feelgood flow without the need for constant cleansing. It can help restructuring mental energies and habits that keep you from moving to higher levels of learning. It can help you in finding a way to bridge different ideas and believes.

If you are feeling lost in the world and untethered to your former self, Kyanite energy can rekindle that connection. Sometimes, when we feel like we have lost our way and lost ourselves, it helps to feel that kinship with the past so we can move towards a clear future.
Kyanites frequencies mandates you to act upon intuitive guidance, building strong bridges between your inner and outer selves. It can help to cut through cloudy thoughts, indecision or hesitancy so that forward movement can be made in your life. It helps to find a way to incorporate all aspects of self into a harmonious whole.

Kyanite: inner bridges, intuition, balance, aura protection

Tibetan style tube bead

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